Over 4500 views... Congratulations the crowds go wild. I am thrilled with the results of the A to Z challenge and the outcome of my theme 'Healing with words', from a deck of Magic Spirit Cards I have loved for (almost) decades. The list of words is here, and includes ones that aren't in the deck because not every letter was represented. Other people have added words to the list too. When I am stuck for blog inspiration I will choose one of them to write about. You too can go to the link and add a word or two if you like.
Now to the the organisers, co-hosts, assistants and helpers of the A to Z Challenge - Thank You. I also enjoyed being one of L.Diane Wolfe's Spunky soldiers Here's the badge to prove it.
This challenge is more than just social interaction, it has changed a very important part of my life, and no doubt created dreams for many hundreds of people.
Would I change anything about this challenge? No
Ok maybe one suggestion. I noticed a few drop outs because of 'too many rules' I don't agree that there are too many, it really can't get much looser - but I loved Klahanie's (aka Gary's) C.B.A approach of doing a post every few days, which included more than one letter. It might be easier for people that have full time lives that drag them away from the home, or stop participating because they feel like they've failed if they miss a post or two. Even though Gary is a grumbler about 'not participating' and is the most active anarchic participant - it might be worth taking note of.
Would I recommend new and/or experienced bloggers to join in? I did and I will.
Would I suggest creating a new email account to keep up to date with posts, comments and replies? Yes
As a novice here's a summary of what happened along the way, as well as the links to all my A to Z 2013 posts - they should open in new windows so click, click away.
Thrilling, first contact with new bloggers, up early - down late... - I read a lot, fast and have dozens of tabs open waiting to be read. I know I can't keep up the pace of today's enthusiasm.
B - B is for Balance
I feel like I'm the first person in the world to post, and need to work out how to sort out comments and replies. Today I received 100's of birthday wishes in my email, for Joanne and Kate, my birthday is next year. Wow Benevolent Bradley at Pass the sour cream did a special post just to teach me how to do links in comments.
C - C is for Clarity
Night owls become early birds, scheduling posts to publish after midnight means I get to wake up to new comments. Fun
D - D is for Dreams
So many many blogs to read... Still trying to work out how to keep track. I want to go back and don't know how to get there - I've offered to be a Spunky Soldier - that's 20 more pages to check
E - E is for Embrace
Felt a warm embrace - It's a great idea to get ahead with posts but try not to accidentally post G instead of E!
F - F is for Freedom
We meet my first character - It's easier to talk about myself - writing about someone else means I have to learn character description building - and for some reason I keep trying to write poems.
G - G is for Grateful
I'm starting to find a few favourite blogs. Greta the grouch grape, and Ermie and his GPS made me smile.
H. H is for Humility
I - I is for Intuition - Healing with words
J - J is for Joy
So sleep deprived, one more post to publish, one more blog to read, one more comment to make, one more reply to answer, 4 hours later... forgot to eat - and do I sleep in late - I'm up at the crack of dawn to continue.
K - K is for Knowledge
At this point I stopped writing a daily reflection.
I changed to the title of the theme from words of change to healing with words.
M M is for Magic
The first post that was determined to be written despite it being nothing like what I had planned.
N - N is for Nothing
A sigh of relief - this poem has wanted attention for a long time.
O - O is for OK, Okay? -
The first letter that wasn't in my deck of cards - Ok seemed an obvious choice and turned out to be a lot of fun.
P - P is for Purpose
The most nerve wracking, a piece of my novel presented for the first time.
Another choice word. Who doesn't love a good quote?
R - R is for Receive -
What a perfect day to receive the first of two Leibster and an Inspiring blogger award, from Me at Scribblings and Brandy at Brandy's bustlings
No not snakes, just so many S words to choose from that includes a sweet and sexy story.
I had no doubt this word would provide some of it's own magic.
Nominated for my 3rd Leibster blog award by the lovely Mary Hill
V - V is for Valid
Away for a few days, this was the last of my ahead of schedule posts.
The last three letters were like the last 3 km's of a marathon. End in sight, not sure how I was going to make it. I knew I could do it, but the energy levels were depleting fast. Through this subconcious haze a miracle happened.
X - X is for XOXO
A letter to a friend, this one was so personal it almost never made it to screen, the most heart felt post.
A contronym that had me confused and a fun word game...
Z - Z is for Zephyr
You think by the time you get to the end of something you have it all figured out, this post was one of those "I feel so stupid but so much smarter now" moments. :)
I have one more blog I have to mention - Miss Bates at Embrace yourself alliterated her way through the whole alphabet. Joining her in this journey has been rewarding. You will need a dictionary for many of her posts, her efforts are even more amazing when you know that English is not her first language... the power of the mind is ineffably incredible.
I'll be keeping my 2014 calendar as free as possible so that I can take on this challenge again. I'm thinking of doing Australian slang for the next one...
In the meantime - I'll be giving myself a pat on the back for a job well done, sorting out the inbox mess I have created, following my inspirations (which could be this May Challenge), checking out yours and Sailing through Spring and Summer. Literally because a friend just lent us his yacht, you should see The Captain's smile...
Lots of love always
Lots of love always
Add a word to my healing with words of change list here.