laughter |ˈlaftər|nounthe action or sound of laughing
"No man who has once heartily and wholly laughed can be altogether irreclaimably bad."- Carlyle, Thomas
Ho Ho Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha Ha Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi
I used to giggle at fingers. I giggled when you looked
at me, my feet, or if I had something important to say. She's so happy
they would say, always smiling and chuckling.
When I grew wiser I could begin laughing. It would
start in my belly, people said you're so funny, your laughter is hearty, worth more than money, it feels like a party.
Laughter is a healer, a language we all understand,
like breathing we know how to do it without any instructions. It's an emotional
release that involves our whole body, some say it evolved from panting -which
is sure sign that your dog is smiling and laughing. It's uncontrollable, unconscious, social and contagious.
My favourite explanation of laughing was from my 6 year old
sister, she said "Laughter is like climbing a ladder, each burst is a step
that brings you closer to heaven." Laughter for me is natures music,
sometimes too loud, sometimes to dainty, some laughs fill you privately when
people are joking, others burst forth, like farts when you're straining.
If you're feeling a bit down check out
the laughing yoga video at the end, 'fake it till you make it' is better than
not laughing at all. If you're really depressed, watch all of them, they might make your smile.
For the child in us:
For Rockers:
For Healers:
Learn to laugh at yourself. A lot of laughter is better than a little, a little is better than none. Remember children laugh more than adults because the make time to play.
Ho Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha hi hi hi hu hu hu u u u u a a
a aaa heeeeeeee
Love and laughs
Find out how I chose my theme by reading my intro blog A-Z challenge list. Words of change. You are welcome to add more words to the list in the comments - and then I'll link back to you.