I have officially lived in Denmark 3 years and one day. Today I have my final Danish exam. I'm lucky I have two passports, Australian and Italian, so the strict rules for immigration don't apply to me because technically I am an EU citizen. I am grateful for this little bureaucratic blunder, but I also think it's unfair, that other women in my class, just like me, might get kicked out of the country if they don't pass this test.
It's a lovely language, but I underestimated how hard a new language for a 40 year old brain would be, especially because Danish generally has no real hard and fast grammar rules, and at least 40 different vowel sounds that are simply impossible to hear if you are not a native... it's that slight difference between the vowel sound in words like soup and soon... I can barely hear it English and I admit that it is hard, but every Danish person thinks they sound completely different in similar Danish words.
Then there is inversion, perfect sentences written words with wrong places doesn't that make not sense! It's the difference between 'She wanted to leave the party, so I did' or She wanted to leave the party, so did I. One tiny word in the wrong spot changes the outcome... and there is no sign language in a written exam.
Denmark is a tiny land, less than 6 million people speak Danish, it almost seems like a waste of time to learn how to speak it, especially because everyone speaks English, but there really is no better way to understand a culture than to understand the way they speak and thus how their thoughts are formed and strung together...
I can hold a conversation, I can read and write enough to pass a test, but I realise now that it will be something I never stop learning, just like English I guess...
Just to give you a tiny taste of what I am up against, the amount of Danish words is relatively small compared to English but compounding words is very common, according to wiki ''Speciallægepraksisplanlægningsstabiliseringsperiode, which is 51 letters, is the longest Danish word that has been used in an official context. It means "Period of plan stabilising for a specialist doctor's practice,"
Try and get your tongue around that.
Wish me luck, this blog post bought to you by completely avoiding further study, because any and every danish word sounds like french to me right now...
About Me

- Ida Thought
- Amongst other things, this is a love story.... the theme changes occasionally... this year it is fitness and learning to love yourself.
22 May 2013
15 May 2013
What a wonderful world.
Blogging every day in May challenge: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)
Keeping this post short and sweet because as soon as the Captain gets home we are heading to the local for a traditional danish meal.
and maybe even a Tuborg
skål - [skoll] or cheers in any language.
Love and laughs
He spoils me with coffee and love hearts in bed, is there a nicer way to start the day?
I see fields of green, white and yellow too.
Find a happy rock at school - smile and the world smiles with you.
A spot of gardening, check out my lettuce seedlings.
Look out the window and see the Captain sailing towards home :)
Keeping this post short and sweet because as soon as the Captain gets home we are heading to the local for a traditional danish meal.
and maybe even a Tuborg
skål - [skoll] or cheers in any language.
Love and laughs
A day in the life
blogging every day in May
smiley faces
what a wonderful world
13 May 2013
A public apology...
Day 13 prompt - Blogging every day in May challenge: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.
I apologise for the name of my blog.
Originally this blog was partly inspired by my reaction to the words of a fellow reflexologist Kevin Kunz, and I wanted it to reflect that the art of reflexology deals with the reactions between the body and reflexes found on the feet, hands, ears and head.
I apologise that it doesn't really mean anything if you don't know the back story.
I apologise that it's a bit of a tongue twister.
I apologise that the title is ambiguous and I want it to mean more than I can be bothered explaining.
I apologise that I am asking you to help me decide whether I should change the name of my blog to 'Ida knows', or 'Ida know' which is a play on the words 'I don't know,' and hopefully reflects that I don't pretend to know everything but what I do know I am certain of, at least until I know different. I'm sorry that I haven't made people give me a dollar every time they said 'I dunno,' when referring to the pronunciation of my name, because I really would be rich, or at least have shouted a few extra rounds in bars all over the world.
I'm sorry if my frank admissions about my own failings and abilities makes you feel insecure or jealous, because that is never my intention, I am sorry that I can't find a way to communicate my intention better, but I really don't understand the language of closed minds.
I am sorry for every time I have lost my temper with people who lose their temper with me or become defensive and rude - especially if they should have just said "I'm sorry." I am sorry that I go on and on or ignore them until I hear those two simple words. My ego wants them to realise how easy it is to say 'I'm sorry,' but some peoples ego's are just so big that they consider an apology to be either beneath them or an admittance of a character flaw, when in fact it's a simple recognition of greater understanding and growth. Many people have become wiser by saying I am sorry and thank you in the same sentence.
I'm sorry that I'm not sorry for hurting or betraying other people, when their beliefs weren't true to me. I simply don't know how to pretend they are right when they are wrong - e.g. bigots.
I apologise for getting frustrated with people that refuse to admit they are wrong. If I was a better person I would be like a lion that doesn't care about the opinions of sheep, but truthfully I love sheep just as much as I love lions and I do care. Deep down I know that sheep are scared of lions even though they are just as valuable and they need love, understanding, education and acceptance too.
I'm sorry I haven't thought of the worlds best song lyrics that changed the world, because I would have changed the world... but maybe I can start with a good blog title.
Cast your votes...
I apologise for the name of my blog.
Originally this blog was partly inspired by my reaction to the words of a fellow reflexologist Kevin Kunz, and I wanted it to reflect that the art of reflexology deals with the reactions between the body and reflexes found on the feet, hands, ears and head.
I apologise that it doesn't really mean anything if you don't know the back story.
I apologise that it's a bit of a tongue twister.
I apologise that the title is ambiguous and I want it to mean more than I can be bothered explaining.
I apologise that I am asking you to help me decide whether I should change the name of my blog to 'Ida knows', or 'Ida know' which is a play on the words 'I don't know,' and hopefully reflects that I don't pretend to know everything but what I do know I am certain of, at least until I know different. I'm sorry that I haven't made people give me a dollar every time they said 'I dunno,' when referring to the pronunciation of my name, because I really would be rich, or at least have shouted a few extra rounds in bars all over the world.
I'm sorry if my frank admissions about my own failings and abilities makes you feel insecure or jealous, because that is never my intention, I am sorry that I can't find a way to communicate my intention better, but I really don't understand the language of closed minds.
I am sorry for every time I have lost my temper with people who lose their temper with me or become defensive and rude - especially if they should have just said "I'm sorry." I am sorry that I go on and on or ignore them until I hear those two simple words. My ego wants them to realise how easy it is to say 'I'm sorry,' but some peoples ego's are just so big that they consider an apology to be either beneath them or an admittance of a character flaw, when in fact it's a simple recognition of greater understanding and growth. Many people have become wiser by saying I am sorry and thank you in the same sentence.
I'm sorry that I'm not sorry for hurting or betraying other people, when their beliefs weren't true to me. I simply don't know how to pretend they are right when they are wrong - e.g. bigots.
I apologise for getting frustrated with people that refuse to admit they are wrong. If I was a better person I would be like a lion that doesn't care about the opinions of sheep, but truthfully I love sheep just as much as I love lions and I do care. Deep down I know that sheep are scared of lions even though they are just as valuable and they need love, understanding, education and acceptance too.
I'm sorry I haven't thought of the worlds best song lyrics that changed the world, because I would have changed the world... but maybe I can start with a good blog title.
Cast your votes...
- Stick to original title - Reflex Reactions
- Ida knows
- Ida know
- Something incredible that you think of...
I am sorry that I don't know for sure if there should there be an apostrophe in knows... Ida know's - Ida knows ??? - don't worry about answering that one - spell check just gave me the answer - but then again - Do you think I can claim poetic licence for using the apostrophe? - Or is it just to ambiguous?
blog titles
blogging every day in May
Kevin Kunz
public apology
6 May 2013
What do you do?
Day 6, Blogging in May Challenge: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you
answer the question, 'what do you do'?
![]() |
Thanks The things we say |
I do smile a lot, apparently. Everybody talks about my smile. Photo's of me smiling are some of the worst
I've seen, but people say it makes them happy so I don't really care what
I look like. With smiles come laughter it's uncontrollable, unconscious, social and contagious.
I do unravel knots and help people to see
new perspectives or re-affirm the ones they have.
I do nice, and not just during natural disasters. I used to think it was easier
to be tough.
I do consider the environment, wherever
I am.
I do share my thoughts and feelings.
I do love mothers and fathers that
aren't my own parents, and children that I haven't given birth to.
I do day to day activities of living,
usually weekly, sometimes monthly, sometimes I avoid it or I just forget. I do
them when I'm reminded or when I move house. I do try to walk through every
door with something in my hand, that belongs where I'm headed.
I do fix things, make things and grow
I do always keep an eye out for animals,
land, sky and sea. I say 'look over there' and 'did you see that?' a lot.
I do celebrate the truimphs, and console
through the trials.
I do lot's of reading.
I do what feels right to me, and if I'm
not sure I do ask.
I do love the one I'm with.
I do like to know what you do. I do invite
you to share. Is it easy for you to answer what do you do, if you can't answer with your job?
blog every day in May
love the one you're with
Think nothing
4 May 2013
"In three words...
Day 4, Saturday: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it
I recently completed the A to Z blogging challenge in April, it was a rewarding experience and I recommend getting involved, one way or another, in the next one.
The A to Z challenge's only requirement is that each day (except Sundays) you dedicate your post to that days letter, Day 1 = A, Day 2 is B etc... You can choose your own theme, or even not to have one, and it fosters a friendly connection with other bloggers as well as a commitment to post regularly.
If I had to choose one quote from my Quotes post, that resonates with me right now I would find a creative way of showing you that I have to narrow it down to two, which is why I posted an image with Flannery O'Connors quote above and added this one too.
“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.” – Robert Frost
I'm already thinking of others that could easily take it's place. Check out my Q is for Quotes post for some of my all time favourites. The comments also provide a few extra quotes which are great too.
Go ahead and add your own, you never know who might need to read it, when, how or why but like any good quote, it might just change the direction they were heading in or give them a new perspective. Simple as that.
Happy reading, writing and blogging
I recently completed the A to Z blogging challenge in April, it was a rewarding experience and I recommend getting involved, one way or another, in the next one.
The A to Z challenge's only requirement is that each day (except Sundays) you dedicate your post to that days letter, Day 1 = A, Day 2 is B etc... You can choose your own theme, or even not to have one, and it fosters a friendly connection with other bloggers as well as a commitment to post regularly.
My theme was Healing with words, and I did 'Q for Quotes', which ties in nicely with Day 4 of the May Challenge prompt. My reflections post provides the links to all the letters in my alphabet challenge and explains more about the whole adventure.
If I had to choose one quote from my Quotes post, that resonates with me right now I would find a creative way of showing you that I have to narrow it down to two, which is why I posted an image with Flannery O'Connors quote above and added this one too.
“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.” – Robert Frost
I'm already thinking of others that could easily take it's place. Check out my Q is for Quotes post for some of my all time favourites. The comments also provide a few extra quotes which are great too.
Go ahead and add your own, you never know who might need to read it, when, how or why but like any good quote, it might just change the direction they were heading in or give them a new perspective. Simple as that.
Happy reading, writing and blogging
blog every day in May
change direction
Flannery O'Connor
healing with words
May challenge
Robert Frost
1 May 2013
Reflections post #atozchallenge. I survived 2013
Over 4500 views... Congratulations the crowds go wild. I am thrilled with the results of the A to Z challenge and the outcome of my theme 'Healing with words', from a deck of Magic Spirit Cards I have loved for (almost) decades. The list of words is here, and includes ones that aren't in the deck because not every letter was represented. Other people have added words to the list too. When I am stuck for blog inspiration I will choose one of them to write about. You too can go to the link and add a word or two if you like.
Now to the the organisers, co-hosts, assistants and helpers of the A to Z Challenge - Thank You. I also enjoyed being one of L.Diane Wolfe's Spunky soldiers Here's the badge to prove it.
This challenge is more than just social interaction, it has changed a very important part of my life, and no doubt created dreams for many hundreds of people.
Would I change anything about this challenge? No
Ok maybe one suggestion. I noticed a few drop outs because of 'too many rules' I don't agree that there are too many, it really can't get much looser - but I loved Klahanie's (aka Gary's) C.B.A approach of doing a post every few days, which included more than one letter. It might be easier for people that have full time lives that drag them away from the home, or stop participating because they feel like they've failed if they miss a post or two. Even though Gary is a grumbler about 'not participating' and is the most active anarchic participant - it might be worth taking note of.
Would I recommend new and/or experienced bloggers to join in? I did and I will.
Would I suggest creating a new email account to keep up to date with posts, comments and replies? Yes
As a novice here's a summary of what happened along the way, as well as the links to all my A to Z 2013 posts - they should open in new windows so click, click away.
Thrilling, first contact with new bloggers, up early - down late... - I read a lot, fast and have dozens of tabs open waiting to be read. I know I can't keep up the pace of today's enthusiasm.
B - B is for Balance
I feel like I'm the first person in the world to post, and need to work out how to sort out comments and replies. Today I received 100's of birthday wishes in my email, for Joanne and Kate, my birthday is next year. Wow Benevolent Bradley at Pass the sour cream did a special post just to teach me how to do links in comments.
C - C is for Clarity
Night owls become early birds, scheduling posts to publish after midnight means I get to wake up to new comments. Fun
D - D is for Dreams
So many many blogs to read... Still trying to work out how to keep track. I want to go back and don't know how to get there - I've offered to be a Spunky Soldier - that's 20 more pages to check
E - E is for Embrace
Felt a warm embrace - It's a great idea to get ahead with posts but try not to accidentally post G instead of E!
F - F is for Freedom
We meet my first character - It's easier to talk about myself - writing about someone else means I have to learn character description building - and for some reason I keep trying to write poems.
G - G is for Grateful
I'm starting to find a few favourite blogs. Greta the grouch grape, and Ermie and his GPS made me smile.
H. H is for Humility
I - I is for Intuition - Healing with words
J - J is for Joy
So sleep deprived, one more post to publish, one more blog to read, one more comment to make, one more reply to answer, 4 hours later... forgot to eat - and do I sleep in late - I'm up at the crack of dawn to continue.
K - K is for Knowledge
At this point I stopped writing a daily reflection.
I changed to the title of the theme from words of change to healing with words.
M M is for Magic
The first post that was determined to be written despite it being nothing like what I had planned.
N - N is for Nothing
A sigh of relief - this poem has wanted attention for a long time.
O - O is for OK, Okay? -
The first letter that wasn't in my deck of cards - Ok seemed an obvious choice and turned out to be a lot of fun.
P - P is for Purpose
The most nerve wracking, a piece of my novel presented for the first time.
Another choice word. Who doesn't love a good quote?
R - R is for Receive -
What a perfect day to receive the first of two Leibster and an Inspiring blogger award, from Me at Scribblings and Brandy at Brandy's bustlings
No not snakes, just so many S words to choose from that includes a sweet and sexy story.
I had no doubt this word would provide some of it's own magic.
Nominated for my 3rd Leibster blog award by the lovely Mary Hill
V - V is for Valid
Away for a few days, this was the last of my ahead of schedule posts.
The last three letters were like the last 3 km's of a marathon. End in sight, not sure how I was going to make it. I knew I could do it, but the energy levels were depleting fast. Through this subconcious haze a miracle happened.
X - X is for XOXO
A letter to a friend, this one was so personal it almost never made it to screen, the most heart felt post.
A contronym that had me confused and a fun word game...
Z - Z is for Zephyr
You think by the time you get to the end of something you have it all figured out, this post was one of those "I feel so stupid but so much smarter now" moments. :)
I have one more blog I have to mention - Miss Bates at Embrace yourself alliterated her way through the whole alphabet. Joining her in this journey has been rewarding. You will need a dictionary for many of her posts, her efforts are even more amazing when you know that English is not her first language... the power of the mind is ineffably incredible.
I'll be keeping my 2014 calendar as free as possible so that I can take on this challenge again. I'm thinking of doing Australian slang for the next one...
In the meantime - I'll be giving myself a pat on the back for a job well done, sorting out the inbox mess I have created, following my inspirations (which could be this May Challenge), checking out yours and Sailing through Spring and Summer. Literally because a friend just lent us his yacht, you should see The Captain's smile...
Lots of love always
Lots of love always
Add a word to my healing with words of change list here.
Story of my life. Blog every day in May Challenge. Day 1
If you are joining me from Story of My Life's Link List, the response to Day 1's task is in the 'about me' section just above this.
I've signed up to do another challenge, because there'll be no blog police checking to make sure that I do the posts every day. Also, one of my dear new e-quaintance's Klahanie has taught me the value of 'not participating' in challenges, just to support the spirit of the challenge, which fosters a passion for writing and sharing, and quite possibly one of the best ways for budding bloggers to begin blooming (I'm still in a bit of an alphabet daze - I'm not sure I will ever stop alliterating.)
I won't be doing posts every day because I just finished the A to Z challenge yesterday. It was thrilling and I am road trip tired. It's time to unpack and as a result of my dedication aka obsessive tendencies, I owe my tribe, garden, house, manuscript and studies for a Danish exam in a few weeks some time, devotion and attention.
Here's the topics if anyone is interested, and here's the link to the Blog every day in May challenge.
Day 1, Wednesday: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably)
Day 2, Thursday: Educate us on something you know alot about or are good at. Take any approach you'd like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic)
Day 3, Friday: Things that make you uncomfortable
Day 4, Saturday: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it
Day 5, Sunday: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member
Day 6, Monday: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?
Day 7, Tuesday: The thing(s) you're most afraid of
Day 8, Wednesday: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.
Day 9, Thursday: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words)
Day 10, Friday: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill.
Day 11, Saturday: Sell yourself in 10 words or less
Day 12, Sunday: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)
Day 13, Monday: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.
Day 14, Tuesday: Ten things that make you really happy
Day 15, Wednesday: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)
Day 16, Thursday: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it
Day 17, Friday: A favorite photo of yourself and why
Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.
Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them
Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now.
Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives
Day 22, Wednesday: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)
Day 23, Thursday: Things you've learned that school won't teach you
Day 24, Friday: Your top 3 worst traits
Day 25, Saturday: Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget (good or bad)
Day 26, Sunday: Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like.
Day 27, Monday: A letter to your readers
Day 28, Tuesday: Only pictures
Day 29, Wednesday: Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories. Use Grooveshark or YouTube to include them in the post
Day 30, Thursday: React to this term: Letting Go
Day 31, Friday: A vivid memory
I'll be doing a reflections on the A to Z blogging challenge before the 3rd of May and gently plodding away at my adventures and looking forward to meeting and greeting in blogland.
I've signed up to do another challenge, because there'll be no blog police checking to make sure that I do the posts every day. Also, one of my dear new e-quaintance's Klahanie has taught me the value of 'not participating' in challenges, just to support the spirit of the challenge, which fosters a passion for writing and sharing, and quite possibly one of the best ways for budding bloggers to begin blooming (I'm still in a bit of an alphabet daze - I'm not sure I will ever stop alliterating.)
I won't be doing posts every day because I just finished the A to Z challenge yesterday. It was thrilling and I am road trip tired. It's time to unpack and as a result of my dedication aka obsessive tendencies, I owe my tribe, garden, house, manuscript and studies for a Danish exam in a few weeks some time, devotion and attention.
Here's the topics if anyone is interested, and here's the link to the Blog every day in May challenge.
Day 2, Thursday: Educate us on something you know alot about or are good at. Take any approach you'd like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic)
Day 3, Friday: Things that make you uncomfortable
Day 4, Saturday: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it
Day 5, Sunday: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member
Day 6, Monday: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?
Day 7, Tuesday: The thing(s) you're most afraid of
Day 8, Wednesday: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.
Day 9, Thursday: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words)
Day 10, Friday: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill.
Day 11, Saturday: Sell yourself in 10 words or less
Day 12, Sunday: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)
Day 13, Monday: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.
Day 14, Tuesday: Ten things that make you really happy
Day 15, Wednesday: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)
Day 16, Thursday: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it
Day 17, Friday: A favorite photo of yourself and why
Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.
Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them
Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now.
Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives
Day 22, Wednesday: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)
Day 23, Thursday: Things you've learned that school won't teach you
Day 24, Friday: Your top 3 worst traits
Day 25, Saturday: Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget (good or bad)
Day 26, Sunday: Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like.
Day 27, Monday: A letter to your readers
Day 28, Tuesday: Only pictures
Day 29, Wednesday: Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories. Use Grooveshark or YouTube to include them in the post
Day 30, Thursday: React to this term: Letting Go
Day 31, Friday: A vivid memory
blogging every day in May
healing with words
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