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Amongst other things, this is a love story.... the theme changes occasionally... this year it is fitness and learning to love yourself.

6 May 2013

What do you do?

Day 6, Blogging in May Challenge: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

Thanks The things we say

I do smile a lot, apparently. Everybody talks about my smile. Photo's of me smiling are some of the worst I've seen, but people say it makes them happy so I don't really care what I look like. With smiles come laughter it's uncontrollable, unconscious, social and contagious.

I do unravel knots and help people to see new perspectives or re-affirm the ones they have.

I do nice, and not just during natural disasters. I used to think it was easier to be tough.

I do consider the environment, wherever I am.

I do nothing, it usually leads me to something and it satisfies the sloth, who’s just a part of me.

I do share my thoughts and feelings.

I do love mothers and fathers that aren't my own parents, and children that I haven't given birth to.

I do day to day activities of living, usually weekly, sometimes monthly, sometimes I avoid it or I just forget. I do them when I'm reminded or when I move house. I do try to walk through every door with something in my hand, that belongs where I'm headed.

I do fix things, make things and grow things.

I do always keep an eye out for animals, land, sky and sea. I say 'look over there' and 'did you see that?' a lot.

I do celebrate the truimphs, and console through the trials.

I do lot's of reading.

I do what feels right to me, and if I'm not sure I do ask.

I do love the one I'm with.

I do like to know what you do. I do invite you to share. Is it easy for you to answer what do you do, if you can't answer with your job?


  1. I do love this post. It brought me back to Oriah Mountain Dreamer's The Invitation, which begins, "It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing."
    Ever since discovering that essay, I pause when asked, "What do you do?" I allow myself a moment to consider if the person asking the question would be made too uncomfortable by a real, and likely unexpected, answer. It's 50/50 whether I'll offer up the expected or the unexpected. Fun for me. ;-)
    What do I do? I love, deeply. I feel, deeply. I hug. I laugh and I cry. I am mesmerized by water (especially ocean), sky, trees, birds, wildlife. I heal - myself and others. I appreciate the written word as well as the spoken word, and the sung word. A symphony can elate me and/or entrance me and/or entrench me. I hear and see and feel the inaudible and unseeable and untouchable. I do much.

    1. You do channel my thoughts, or we both channelled Oriah Mountain Dreamer today. I felt the essence of his words coursing through me when invitation arrived, but by then I had written to much to write more. Thank you for mentioning him he deserves it. I thought of mentioning symphonies too, but right here and now, the birds and springs symphony is my greatest musical pleasure. I can see from your blog that you really do do much. I like your idea of fun too :)

  2. I normally wouldnt answer with my job anyway but currently life is in a HUGE-BIG-FAT-HAIRY transition and I am having difficulty defining myself and finding direction. I was at a loss for this one. As always reading your post helped...You can add that to things you do. :)Z~

    1. nåååå Zoe, I love how in Denmark, people traditionally don't ever ask 'what do you do?' It's like kids at a playground rarely ask each other's names until well after they have spent time playing together. We all get hair in places we don't want. The good news is as we age, some of the hair we have spent so much time getting rid of decides not to bother us as much. You are you, I am pretty sure you do most of the things I do, and your animal lover, that counts for a lot ;)

  3. What a nice post. Made me smile. Lately I've been trying to not smile in photo's because they look so goofy, then people think I look made...there must be an inbetween, though I've not yet found it, lol.

    1. I try not to look at photo's until about 10 years after they were taken, then I think - wow I looked younger then :) -

  4. So nice to know you are a smiler! This post helped me get to know you better :)

    1. Honestly Kate I don't even know I am doing it half the time, but I'm usually in the land of happy and my face has never been good at hiding what I feel :)

  5. Beautifully said, Ida. I try to fix things, and sometimes I do succeed.
    Another blogging challenge ... you're amazing. :)
    Good for you.

    Silvia @ Silvia Writes

    1. Hi Silvia, sometimes I succeed too. I'm not doing a blog every day. A to Z was enough for me, but I like the idea of supporting the May challenge too, and some of the prompts are thought provoking. :) Thanks

  6. I would answer that by saying I write, therefore I am.

    1. I didn't write, write, because I want it to be me job... it was like reverse wishful thinking :D - I am what I am, I do what I do :)

  7. I like this a lot :) this made me happy xoxo

    1. Thanks Lola, thinking about Mykonos after reading your post today made me happy too - good luck with the challenge

  8. Wonderful post!

    I do write way less than I should because...
    I do watch way more TV than is healthy!

    Good luck teaching your students contronyms - that should be an interesting lesson for people learning English! :-)

    1. Thanks Jocelyn, their teacher decided they would prefer a lesson on numerology, but I plan to add a few. After I published this post I thought about adding - I do indulge. What you watch or write is more important than how much ;)

  9. Hi Ida .. I constantly talk and laugh and smile - then realise I haven't put make on and look a wreck .. oh well .. smile some more and keep on smiling.

    I write, I blog, I learn .. that's the way to increase my knowledge - I need to add reading in .. but I do look at lots of things ... and I'll be studying internet related projects ..

    Just lots of good things to do in life ... Cheers for now - Hilary

    1. Those messy smiles are the best... I haven't been reading many books lately either, but blogs are just as interesting, sometimes more. Reading anything at all makes me feel lucky so many people never get the chance to learn how. Keep smiling :)

  10. I love this, and I love that you smile and laugh as much as me :) I'm a new follower!

    1. It took me a while to get my head around your name, then I realised that's a good description of me. I'm a city girl at heart but country by nature... or the other way round :)

  11. Wonderful post!
    I love all you do :)

    1. Hi Sheethal, i'm guessing you love them because you do them too :)

  12. I've emerged from beneath my rock of exhaustion to get back on the blog circuit. I love this post. I read the May challenge questions, but didn't feel like I had it in me, thanks mostly to pneumonia, to take on another challenge. And blah blah blah! Great post, Ida. You inspire me, dear!

    1. I certainly don't have the energy to do the whole challenge but I'm doing a few at my leisure, otherwise my exhaustion may well have turned into a complete lack of interest. I'm glad your blahing again I hope you get well so fast that by the time you read this you are already better :)

  13. I’m awarding you with the Liebster Award. You don’t have to accept it. To learn more, come to my post: http://stfu4abetterrelationship.wordpress.com/2013/05/07/liebster-award/

    1. Thank Sha' I consider this a huge honour (or is that an huge honour) I loved your post and I will get round to it one day :)

  14. Those are some amazing things to do. So inspiring. :-)

    1. Forgetting to do housework isn't really that amazing, but I try to enjoy the messy times too ;)

  15. Greetings Ida,

    We do share a lot of "I do's" and no, not that one! :) I do give off positive vibes and wherever I go, I bring a happy laugh to those I meet.

    Here you go, Ida and big :) to you.

    Your friend,


    1. You really do Gary, and you have brought me a few happy laughs and we haven't even met yet. A big :) back.

  16. I love all that you do. Especially looking out for the environment, and clearly loving the world and all that's in it. It sounds like you live a lovely, conscientious life. :)

    1. Thanks Christina, things look pretty good over at the Murrayed Life too. It took a while for conscientious to feel completely lovely, but it is. The rewards are many :)

  17. My first answer was "I over-think things". I look at your list and you actually make me realise there is loads that we have in common (for example: I do what feels right to me, and if I'm not sure I do ask), and loads that I want to live up to (especially smiling a lot).

    1. I think the easiest way to smile a lot is to think happy thoughts, but even those are sometimes just mindless chatter, that's when I send the thought police in to control the crowd. Thanks for dropping in and if you ever need someone to ask - you know where to find me :)

  18. Hey Ida! I nominated you for Liebster award because you're inspiring! You can accept it here:

    If you do accept (which I hope you will, when you have the time), please drop me a line and let me know as I'd love to read your answers!

    1. Wow Beverley thank you, I'll pop over right now and catch up with you there.

  19. Making rounds today from Oozing Out My Ears using the road trip linky which brought me to your blog again. Hope all is well with you, haven't heard from you in awhile and I'm not seeing a newer post. Happy Friday.

    1. Hi Sandy, I just popped over to your embarrassing moment post, I will be posting once or twice a week.

  20. What a super post! I've read a couple "What do you do?" posts and yours is my favorite. It is lovely to think of life this way, isn't it?!

    1. That's sweet of you to say Brandy, I did see a lot of posts that were about jobs or a job description without the title - for a little while mine was just going to be I do what I want :)... can't wait to see what filth you have come up with in ABC swearing posts in the last day or two ;)

  21. The first thing that attracted me was your love story..does it happen? I mean is it possible to find your love way back once you have lost him..may be I'm too young or immature to understand it..but I still hope he gets back to me. Damn! He doesn't even know it. Lol! :)

  22. Ida I just signed on to your site and you describe yourself perfectly. I am so glad you are my blogging friend now. :) I really appreciate you kind thoughts yesterday and prayers. You really do look out for others. I love your smile too. :)

    1. Hi Mary, thank you I hope your health is improving.

  23. Nice blog! Its a great post too.
    Following you.

    1. Thanks Sangita, I hope to have a few new posts up soon.

  24. this was an amazing list....also makes me feel like I got to know you a little bit :)

    1. Thanks, I enjoyed your latest post about your dog and cat. I think every blogpost reveals something about the blogger ;)

  25. I do love a good cup of coffee talking with a friend and the smell of a brand new baby. I do plant flowers in my front yard for me and my neighbors to enjoy. I do love to play Band Hero and Wii Baseball with my nephew and share books with my niece. I do tend to want to please others too much but that's because I do want them to enjoy life as much as I do.
    I do have to say, even though it's against the rules, I do love my job.

