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Amongst other things, this is a love story.... the theme changes occasionally... this year it is fitness and learning to love yourself.

7 April 2014

26 Greatest Loves of my Life... Let's call him Father #atozchallenge

The Father of my childhood is different to the Father he is now.

We would hear his Station Wagon turning into our street and rush to have the table set while Mum finished preparing dinner, by 5pm every night.

- Now he prepares all the meals, chops things extra small, to accommodate his wife's weakened hands.

He used to wear his hand tailored suits everyday. When he wore his work overalls, he kept his shirt and tie on. Even when he mowed the lawns.

- Now he wears cardigans during the week, and t-shirts when he's at home.

With three daughters and a talkative wife, he never interrupted our conversations and we rarely included him in our girl talk.

- Now he answers the phone and records appointments on the calendar, we make sure we tell him everything.

He used to send us to the shops to buy his cartons of cigarettes.

- Now he does the grocery shopping and hasn't smoked in decades.

Some things will never change.

He still wakes up at half past five, every morning.

At 6am he starts tending to his garden. Nothing is ever wasted. He would be disappointed if he knew we sneak things into the rubbish.

He asks for nothing and shares everything he has. He offers the best of his produce to everyone else and takes what the birds have left for himself.

Mealtimes are 7am, 12pm and 6pm, but he'll wait hours if he knows your coming.

I have never heard him swear, burp or fart. 

He makes his own wine, but I've never seen him drunk. 

35 years have passed since he bought that station wagon and he still parks it under his bedroom window.

He's never mastered the English language, but he never fails to end a conversation with "tell me if you need something, I love you me my daughter."

Lessons from my Father

Just because a tailor spends his life working in a factory, doesn't mean he isn't a tailor.

Just because someone is quiet doesn't mean they're a drongo.

You don't have to speak the same language to show how much you love them.


I use #atozchallenge when sharing my favourite posts.

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Read more about: 
The A to Z challenge.  My theme and links to all 26 Greatest loves of my life.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks William, he is such a strong character, it's easy to write about him and some of his ways

  2. What an amazing father- you're so lucky to have him in your life.

    1. I hope he is around for a long time to come - thanks Kate

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Susan, the older I get the more blessed I feel

  4. This post brought tears to my eyes Ida. God bless your family. :)

    1. Really Archana, I hope they were good tears.

  5. This is so so lovely.. I am almost teary eyed. Your father is so cute and your love shows through this post! Great tribute!

    1. Thanks Aditi, I never expected this one to cause any tears

  6. What a lovely and loving tribute to your father! This was a delight to read...you are blessed to have such a father. Thanks for sharing some things about him.

    Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

    1. Thanks Beloo, I do feel very blessed now - I love showing him off to kids and teenagers especially.

  7. An uplifting tribute. Family is so important and it's wonderful to read the love in this post.
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
    Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic

    1. Thanks Sophie, I'm glad you felt uplifted by my Dad :)

  8. Hi Ida .. what a lovely tribute to your father .. so special and must bring back lots of memories for you .. and it's great how he melded into time .. ensuring you were always happy and content .. love it .. cheers Hilary

    1. I think we melded into his time over the years... but his family has always been his number 1 priority... no question

  9. So far, the best love!!!!

    Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

    1. Our fathers are generally our first and best masculine love.... lucky for me I found a partner just as loving

  10. I miss my father after reading this...Going to call him immediately after this comment...Fathers are the greatest aren't they?

    Random Thoughts Naba

    1. Did you call him - I bet he was happy to hear from you.. :)

  11. Loved this touching post about your father. Made me get a lump in my throat, he sounds so wonderful and reminds me of my own wonderful dad who is always there for me as your dad is for you. <a href=" cattitudeandgratitude.blogspot.ca/2014/04/f-is-for-flower.html.”>CatGraham</a>

    1. Funny thing is I have never really needed his help, life's big problems seem so insignificant when I am with him... as long as the sun still shines, and fruit is growing on the trees what's there to worry about :)

  12. What a warm post that is. And your father sounds like a wonderfully sweet person.

    Amazing Authors

    A to Z Challenge, 2014/ UBC, April 2014

    1. He is possibly one of the sweetest men I know... when he's not being so incredibly stubborn :D

  13. That is a beautiful post and so interesting; he sounds like a wonderful person.
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

  14. how beautiful and moving... this is one of the loveliest post I have read in a long time :)

  15. Now this is a beautiful and a heart-warming tribute to your dad, Ida! Liked the lessons he shared with you! ♥

  16. Ida of all the posts you have shared this one is the best. I admit I got welled inside. He seems like an absolute delight like all fathers with daughters :-)


    1. Sadly not all fathers are on their best behaviour all the time, but I'm glad the story about mine is delightful.

  17. Fantastic, your love shines through it.
    I admire your father for waking up everyday so early! (I probably couldn't do that being related to Princess Aurora)
    Looking forward to more, as always!

  18. Your love for your dad is so evident in this post. This is heart warming :)

  19. Brought tears to my eyes. Your father sounds like a wonderful human being. Thank you for sharing x

    1. Your tears are also unexpected. He really is a good human.

  20. Cool Post . . . . .and thanks for visiting my humble blog . . .

  21. Your father sounds like a wonderful man.. he has so much to teach us just by being.

    1. Be yourself - yes there is a lot to be learned from people who are good at that

  22. I loved your dog but wow... this is just as good or better. Am I gonna cry all the way to Z? This was beautiful!

    1. No Zoe, hopefully you'll have a few laughs as well :D

  23. Oh... I love reading of loving fathers and it always brings tears to my eyes. Mine was anything but and it is encouraging when I read of others that have had a different experience than I did.

    Visiting from http://morgandragonwillow.com/2014/04/f-is-for-feminine-fire-dancing-in-your-veins.html

    1. Hi Morgan, I guess there really isn't enough loving father stories. I am sorry you didn't have a better experience.

  24. Whenever we got sick , our father got us a toy, no matter how many other things he had to postpone buying.

    1. How adorable. Mine took us for long drives to the country or beach... because fresh air and sunshine cured everything.

  25. Such a sweet post ! God bless our fathers !

