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Amongst other things, this is a love story.... the theme changes occasionally... this year it is fitness and learning to love yourself.

30 April 2013

Z is for Zephyr. Healing with words. Day 26. #quickerthanarayoflight #atozchallenge

zephyr |ˈzefər|
nounpoetic/literary a soft gentle breeze.historical a fine cotton gingham.• a very light article of clothing.ORIGIN 1369 from Gk. Zephyros "the west wind" 
(sometimes personified as a god), probably related to zophos "the west, the dark region, darkness, gloom." 
Sense of "mild breeze" is c.1610.

Zephyr in the sky at night - I wonder
Do my tears of mourning
Sink beneath the sun
She's got herself a universe -Gone quickly
For the call of thunder
Threatens everyone

And I feel
Like I just got home

Faster than the speeding light - She's flying
Trying to remember
Where it all began
She's got herself a little piece of heaven
Waiting for the time when
Earth shall be as one


Quicker than a ray of light 

And I feel
Quicker than a ray of light - Then gone for
Someone else shall be there
Through the endless years

She's got herself a universe
And I feel
Like I just got home 

And I feel
Quicker than a ray of light - She's flying
Quicker than a ray of light - I'm flying 

Madonna's song Ray of light is the reason I thought Zephyr was none other, than a ray of light. Today I realise it's not even confirmed in the lyrics and google also proves that I was wrong. It's a breeze or a fine cloth so that's how I'm going to wrap up this challenge. Gently and a bit all over the place.

In Perth Australia, an ocean breeze comes in almost every afternoon and provides relief from the stifling heat in Summer called the Freemantle Doctor.  Today I feel a breeze marking the end of this challenge.  I will reflect on each post in the reflections post later in the week, but for now it is enough to say that my greatest reward was the healing of some old wounds, that were a direct result of the power of words.

When I arrive home and walk through the doors of Melbourne's Tullamarine airport the first thing I notice is the familiar winds.  Which direction is it coming from and where is it headed?  It foretells of things to come, but it is also unpredictable.  One thing is for sure the winds keep blowing, and though today's breeze is a gentle one, I've landed in a slip stream and I can feel myself rising into a new ether.

With this in mind I will say I'm here to stay for as long as it takes to get to where I am going.  Pop in let me know what you are up to, I have enjoyed visiting other blogs as much as I have enjoyed creating my own little universe.

Once upon a time Zephyr referred to western winds full of darkness and gloom, my experience of the winds in Australia, and here in Denmark, prove that sometimes the West winds provide the most comfort for the land and it's people - and what we once believed may not always hold true - but there is always a story to be found in every lesson.

I am in the process of writing my first novel and I am ready to tackle editing the first draft now.  There are other blog challenges I have seen that I might participate in too.  I like the idea of prompts or even constraints in writing because I have discovered a new form of creativity that lies within their boundaries.  Thank you to everyone that has joined me on the journey so far, particularly if you allowed me the opportunity to discover insights into your lives through your blogs, and a special thank you to my new e-quaintances. I want to salute Arlee Bird who created this challenge, and all of his helpers that offered great insights through their posts too. I have learnt so much and I am grateful.

I know my job here is to teach and be taught as well as heal the healers, whatever their methods are. I have two reflexology clients this afternoon to prepare for, but right now I have some housework to catch up on. The dust didn't stop dropping, though I have ignored it well over the last month.  Maybe if I open a window a helpful Zephyr will blow it all away, and so it is with wishful thinking I sign off for now, bid you well and go forth.

Just like the song says - I feel like I just got home.


I have added a link to a May blogging challenge in the side panel to the left (the other left, on the right)  that I am considering doing parts of. Have you discovered any new blog challenges that you might consider doing?


Find out how I chose my theme by reading my intro blog A-Z challenge list. Words of change.  You are welcome to add more words to the list in the comments - that I'll link back to you.


  1. "and what we once believed may not always hold true -" All that we feel or believe does not have to be our truth. Thanks Ida. It has been lovely visiting your piece of the universe and I hope its okay that I intend to continue. I have a few favorite spots and you have become one of them. I am excited to hear you are writing. You have a real talent. I am going to do the May challenge as well if only to procrastinate on the final edit of my own project.LOL...I am hammering slowly away. Thanks for the commraderie and the insight. XO Zoe

    1. after realising Zephyr was not what I thought it was, or that the West winds I know aren't the doom and gloom of yesteryear... it made perfect sense. Dear Zoe you are more than welcome to continue - in fact it helps to inspire me. I too will slowly hammer away and once again - Thank You. :)

  2. I thought about doing a May challenge. I guess I need to decide before tomorrow! Can't believe how April flew by! Congrats on finishing the challenge :) I have you on Bloglovin' so will be checking in!

    1. I am sure I will miss the pace of the challenge as well as welcome the break... I think I like 'storyofmylife's' May challenge because she isn't going to have any blog police making sure the posts are done, I would love it better if it was June. I think I will only tackle a few of her prompts when I feel like it - but am happy to support any blogging incentive that encourages commraderie and creativity.

  3. My challenge is to finish book II in my current series.

    Good post!

    Hugs and chocolate.

    1. Hi Shelly - Best wishes for book II - I look forward to the updates on your progress

  4. Zooooooooom. Right to the finish line. Nice job.
    Congratulations on finishing the A-Z!

  5. Dear Ida,

    Upon reading your fascinating posting, which I need to better absorb, I want to congratulate you on completing a challenge that I would never participate in.

    I would like to think that this alphabet challenge brings forth the ideals of positive interaction within a sharing, caring blogging community. I personally hope that this is the last one. To me, seeing a month long challenge is just too much. Sorry, but I do not participate in any of the challenges. I have always done my own thing in a rebellious yet good natured way.

    Peace and goodwill to you, Ida. Seriously, hearty congrats for completing the A to Z.

    Gary :)

    1. Gary my dear you get a response in my reflections post. Seriously thanks .

  6. Ida, so here we are! I have so enjoyed our interactions and truly hope that they last for a long while yet! Yes we all have stuff to do now that the A-Z April challenge is over (WHEW!!) and may your writing bring you joy as I can sense that it has.
    May the zephyr winds blow freshly and brightly and spread their energy over you. Great choice of word!
    Until next time- your friend in South Africa,

    Susan Scott's Soul Stuff

  7. Hopefully the breeze of the Challenge has given you new inspiration and hope.
    I have several guests next month and a blogfest I am hosting, plus the IWSG post is tomorrow. So still going full steam into May.

  8. A lovely reflection with which to complete this challenge. And now I know what zephyr really means.
    Best of luck with your editing. I enjoy that part of the process, too. :-)

  9. Hey! Congrats on completing the challenge! :)

    Yea, me too considering that may challenge.

  10. I've not heard of a zephyr as a piece of cloth but I suppose a floaty, gauzy material might suit. I have heard of the Freemantle Doctor although I couldn't place it when I was doing my Zephyr piece (or rather, Fred's ;) ). He does talk about the wind moving from cold sea to warm land though - and that's what the Freemantle Doctor is all about.

    Well done for completing the challenge - I'll pass on another 'every day' challenge - but I am going to take up a Flash Fiction Friday one :)

    Jemima at Jemima's blog

  11. Ida, it has been a pleasure coming here and reading what you have to say. The west wind brought a snow flurry today in eastern Washington, but in its wake was blue sky and beautiful sunshine. I'm going to concentrate on my novel next month, with a few posts here and there.

  12. That poem was a beautiful play on words.

    Ida thank you for your help with the A to Z list.

  13. How I wish a cool zephyr now! It is really hot in Mumbai! :(
    Congrats on completing the challenge!

  14. Stopping by from your comment on the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Z post on Facebook!

    That was a good post.
    No, I haven't found a really great next blog hop to take part in yet, but I am looking!

  15. Hi Ida .. congratulations on finishing the A-Z .. and Zephyr is lovely soft breezy word to finish with .. I used it the first year ...

    Cheers Hilary

  16. Miss Ida, you have inspired me, so I have nominated you for a VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER award.
    All info are in my post.
    Feel free to receive or just enjoy the day knowing you are amazing.

  17. Somehow in my A-Z completed haze, I was sure I had responded to all these comments and have no idea how this happened - I will be popping into visit you if I haven't already, and just want to say thank you so much for all of your kind words, warm wishes and inspiration, I learned so much and enjoyed myself.

  18. When I was growing up, I had a fascination with Greek mythology (still do), so the root of a Zephyr as one of the mythological four winds still resonates.

