26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call him Adam
26 Greatest loves of my life - Lets call him Baranaby
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call him Cazaly
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call him Dog
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call him Erik
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call him Father
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call him Geronimo
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call them Horny teenagers
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call her Ida
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call him Jeremiah
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call him Ken
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call it a Love song
26 Greatest loves of my life - Let's call her Mama
26 Greatest loves of my life... Nature
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call him Oh my Odin
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call him Peridot
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call it Quiet I'm reading
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call it Reflexology
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call him Sherlock
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call The Truth
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call him Ulysses
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call him Vent
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call them Wazza and Wyn
26 Greatest loves of my life - sounds like X's
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call him Yarra
26 Greatest loves of my life lets call him Zoro
Last month I asked for help choosing my theme for the A to Z challenge in my Alzheimer's, old-boyfriends, and aussie slang post.
1) Aussie slang - (to tempting to copy and paste)
2) 26 Boyfriends - (to revealing)
3) A to Z of Alzheimers - (to heavy for a light hearted challenge)
26 boyfriends was a standout winner... Perfect. Until I stating writing the posts and realised that![]() |
Check out everyone else's themes on the link list here |
not everyone in my life needs to know about how many or how deep some of those boyfriends reached.
What I really want to share is why and how I fell in love. The fun, mistakes and lessons. This was supposed to be about different types of boys, but as I started writing the posts it became glaringly obvious that it was all about me. I couldn't write about love and leave out some of my greatest loves of all, not just old boyfriends. So a new theme idea was born.
Welcome to The 26 Greatest loves of my life.
There will still be a little smut, including my first kiss and that unforgettable first quiver, but I also want to keep it PG. Some will read like a synopsis rather than the whole story. Some of my greatest loves aren't even human.
I want to exercise my writing muscles, challenge myself. My longest post is under 400 words, some of them are just a few sentences long. Some are first person, some are third person. There's even a poem or two and I might even chuck in some Aussie slang. Fair dinkum I've loved some larrikins.
This challenge isn't just about writing, it's about connecting with other bloggers. This year I've managed to get a good head start by scheduling half of my posts. This will give me a lot more time to visit other blogs. The more blogs I visited last year the more visited me back. It's a win-win. Positive comments are like rewards for effort, they become addictive.
Like many girls I started searching for love at a very young age. I don't remember a time in my life where my relationships haven't been the single most important thing to me. In order to have great relationships I had to learn to love myself. If you are anything like I am, that was easy at first, became very difficult for a while, then greater than anything I imagined.
I hope you enjoy my 2014 #atozchallenge theme. The 26 Greatest loves of my life.
Subscribe by email if you don't want to miss a post. I promise never to spam you, I don't even know how to find out who has subscribed :)
Make it easy for other people to find you and leave a link to your post in the comments below.
It's not to late to join the the them reveal link list. I've added it below (if the linky link works - if not click here.)
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The challenge starts with the letter A on April 1st. You can join that on the official A to Z challenge page.
All the best to every participant. Let the countdown begin.